( I have no idea why my legs look like I am a professional kick boxer, I promise they are not that bruised looking in person)
The last couple of weekends we have been in embarking in PRJOECT SPRING CLEANING 2011. Through this project I have learned the following:
1. The boy has the most AMAZING organizational skills.
2. I have MAJOR hoarding tendencies. I laugh at those people on that show, but when I almost had a melt down regarding a hello kitty calendar being thrown away from 2007, I knew I was in TROUBLE.
3. The boy must really LOVE me to go through all my crap.
I am hoping by this upcoming weekend we will be done and we can finally enjoy our weekends again. I did get to sleep in, which was a great, but then I stayed up way to late watching dumb TV (I've come to the realization I am addicted to COPS, and Saved by the Bell still comes on TV, who knew..LOL), so its basically a terrible cycle I have created for myself.
The rest of our long weekend consisted of going to the mall and meeting a HUGE celebrity…
Seeing the Hangover, part II and being SHOCKED and HORRIFED. The movie had its funny moments, but for the most part they spent more time making me cringe than laughing. I am still on the fence if this will be added to the DVD collection. During one scene the boy and I actually looked at each other in pure GROSSMENT (yes I totally made up that word) at what we were seeing.
Eating yummy tacos from a local hot spot and cathing up on some Netflix movies. The best thing was actually getting to spend quality time with my love. Even though we see each other everyday, with our crazy schedules weekends are our saving grace.
Check back tommorow for the winner of the giveway! (which means you still have time to email me your submission Erica@ibleedpink.com)