Wednesday, September 29, 2010

What the H--E-L-LOween

One of the things I am actually getting excited for is Halloween. Every year I say I am going to dress up, but then actually think about venturing downtown (and fighting all of the drunk stupid people on the streets) and that puts a halt on all of my plans. We normally end up on the couch watching some bad 80’s horror film.

Well my younger sisters are actually coming to visit and my youngest is turning 21….HOLLA! So I am being proactive and pursing through the costumes but its being brought to my attention that woman’s Halloween costumes are so TRASHY. I understand that Halloween is the only time you can dress like a Tramp (and no disrespect to all my Tramps out there) and not be called out on it, but I have to question some of the costumes they have made “Sexy”.


Last time I checked there was NOTHING sexy about Chucky! I mean he was a wacked out Baby Doll.


Ladies when has your man been like, damn that is one sexy crayon....LOL!!! (and if he has I request you force him to get HELP immediatly!!)

I guess she must work in Hell!!

I understand you have a "Hard Hat" on, but this just seems dangerous for construction!!

I could literally go on for days, these costumes are so crazy ridiculous.  I guess that the good thing about Halloween, you can be whatever the Hell your mind can think of...LOL!!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Weekend Recap...

Things finally felt semi normally this weekend, when the BF and I did some of our normal weekend activities.

We went to the mall (it's pretty bad, when the people at the pretzel place ask if you want the employee discount, because you’re ALWAYS there…but hey 15% is 15%...LOL). But we had yummy Japanese food and to get new cell phones…HOLLA!! I am now the new owner of an I-Phone.

After the sales guy showed us the ins and outs of our phones, I felt like I had been using a can with a string for all these years.

Loco is a little jealous of all the attention the phone has been getting…I think he was at his limits, when I booted him off the bed, so me and phone could snuggle…LOL . At one point I saw the BF with my phone and turned into Gollum….this thing is literally my “PRECIOUS”.

We spent the rest of the weekend playing with our phones, eating pizza and having another memorable moment at our local movie theater.

 went and saw “You Again”, which was really funny (reminded me of “Just Friends” if you have ever seen that).

I knew as soon as we walked in and saw how packed it was, we should have walked out…but NOOOO….we sucked it up, but soon found that we were seated by the most obnoxious loud teenagers EVER. At one point one of their friends came into the movie almost 20 minutes late, talking (excuse me YELLING) on her cell phone.  Then she had the nerve to give me the stink eye, when I looked directly at her and said SHHH. (come on now, did you really expect any less from me...then u must be new to this blog)

Oh it gets better...I was already annoyed by the teen situation, when I look to my right and see the BIGGEST cockroach EVER crawling on the wall. I guess the BF must have felt me tense up because he looks over and has a look of terror on his face. I was trying my hardest not to scream, but I was so scared that thing was going to fly off the wall and get on me. I jumped out of my seat faster than I have ever moved in my entire life and we finished our wonderful movie experience by watching the movie in the hallway.

Yes, people these are the date nights that Fairy Tales are made of!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thank you...

THANK YOUTHANK YOU!!! I am sending each and every one of you a virtual hug for all your kindness and words of encouragement during my dark days. Its funny when I started this blog it was just an outlet for all the crap roaming around in my head.  I never expected to come in contact with such AWESOME people.


Things are still really crazy and next week is going to be even worse….but I did get some good news today. A few months ago I applied for a scholarship for culinary school and I got the call today that I actually got it!! This means I am pretty much going to school for free!!!

Yes, my jaw is still on the floor….

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


No weekend recap this week....


Yesterday I found out a very old and close friend was in a horrible wreck and passed away. To say things have been an emotional tornado would be an understatement. Right now I am all over the place and a basket full of emotions and feelings that I don’t know how to fully process yet.

What has been so hard is the fact that for various reasons, me and my friend had not talked for awhile. She had been having some difficulties in her life and kind of disappeared. Well out of the blue my sister saw her last Friday, got her phone number from her and passed it along to me. I was so ready to reconnect and put things behind us and start from scratch…I mean this had been my main squeeze since 6th grade, she was in my wedding and I was there holding her hand when she had her first child. We had a ton of history behind us and not talking for a few months was not going to stop our friendship from growing.

Well I was unable to get in touch with her over the weekend, when a mutual friend contacted me yesterday to tell me she had been in a freak accident leaving her house and was killed. I literally felt my heart break into a million pieces… It dawned on me; I would never get a chance to talk to her, mend things over, and just give her a hug to let her know the past is the past.

I know my friend and I know she would never want me or anyone else to sit around in sadness thinking about her passing. She would want us to celebrate her life with smiles, laughter and lots of good times!! From the words of one of my favorite songs…..

Dip your feet into the ocean.

Let the sun beat on your skin.

Soak in every emotion,

that you never thought you'd live.

And never take for granted,

every breath you're breathing in.

Go everywhere you've never been,

Everyday, live it like it's your last one.

Ever kiss, kiss it like it's your first love.

If i had one wish; then I would wish

that you would live today like

Everyday, Everyday is your last one.

Miss you!

This is not Good-Bye...its see you soon!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Glitter Headband Tutorial...

Over the weekend we were in the mall ( I know...SHOCKING) and went into Forever 21.  My first stop is always their accessory section, as I am sure to find tons of crap to leave with.  Well I saw this headband...

 I had it in my hands among various other piles of crap, but then I actually looked at the price.  Granted it was only 4.80, but it got me thinking I bet I could make this same thing for half the cost.  So I set myself on a mission. 

First stop was Michaels to get supplies, but I left empty handed.  We then had to make a run to Walmart and I was able to get all my supplies for right at 7.00 dollars w/tax.  

Now I will show you how you can make your own fancy headband.  (I have no idea how to make my pictures bigger, (any help would be greatly apprecited) but if you click on the picture you can get a better view!)
Supply List

1. All-Purpose Glue - $0.97
2. Loose Glitter - $1.97 (for a pack with 5 bottles)
3. Wooden Shapes -  $1.97 (8 hearts in each package)
4. Ribbon - $0.97  

    I didn't take a picture of this, but measure a piece of ribbon so your able to wrap it around your head with enough to tie it together in the back.  

    I sprayed the glitter with some spray glue, just to ensure no fallout from the glitter would occur. I let it dry for a few hours and TA-DA I had several different headbands for the price of 1 headband from Forever 21.  The whole process literally took me 15 mins, and most of that consisted of  me yelling at Loco to stop eating the glitter that had fallen on the floor!!

    I also spruced up an old pair of plain black flats I had..  After I was done it dawned on me they kind of reminded me of some Vivienne Westwood shoes I've seen often on the wedding blogs.


    I hope you guys like my first tutorial.  I would love to hear your thoughts, feedback, suggestion.  If you use it, please let me know so I can check it out.  


    Tuesday, September 14, 2010

    Weekend Recap....

    So, first I want to Thank everyone for all your wonderful well wishes on my upcoming plans. I can’t begin to explain how excited and nervous I am for the next upcoming months.
    Now on to recap of our fun filled weekend…..WOO HOO half of our weekend was spent watching the second season of “Sons of Anarchy”, the boy LOVES that show and I obliged to fill half of my Saturday watching it.

    ***SIDE NOTE*** Last weekend we stopped at a local thirft store by my favorite fabric store.  They were having a 50% off sale and I actually found some really cute stuff.  I got the dress I am wearing for $3.00...HOLLA!!!

    After that we went to this store called Specs. Its like an amazing liquor store, that sells all types of fun and exotic stuff. I actually came across some Hello Kitty wine.

    We ate an INSANE amount of free samples and the BF bought the most DISGUSTING mexican chocolate.  It tasted like crumbly cinnamon covered dirt....LOL

    Their candy selection was like nothing I had ever seen before, I mean if you could think of it they had it.    The liquor section was even bigger, it was a BOOZERS dream come true!

    The next day we had a very chill day and went to the Waffle House for breakfast.  I thought our Denny's was Ghetto, but this place took the blue ribbon.  The employees were so CRAZY, they made for an entertaining morning meal!!

    Stay tuned I am planning on doing my first DIY tutorial this week!!

    Friday, September 10, 2010


    So, a few months back I made a decision to make a change in my life…..

    I made an appointment ….

    Talked to some people…..

    Went home and thought long and hard…..

    Cried a few times…..

    Went into major anxiety thinking about the changes this decision would cause, with my future, my bank account and my free time….

    Cried a few more times…..

    Got lots of hugs and reassurance from my loved ones (and a few fur baby kisses from Loco) ….

    Put a brave face on and decided to sign the paperwork….

    Got the call today that things were all in order and I was good to go…..

    Today I am a fully enrolled student at the Le Cordon Blue Culinary School

    On November 8, 2010, I will start my journey to be more educated in Pâtisserie and Baking…and my life will change FOREVER!!!

    Miss Martha better watch her Back....There is a new Baking Bitch in town!!!

    Wednesday, September 8, 2010

    Weekend Recap...

    The BF and I ate SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much junk over the weekend. We went to the coolest café that is set up in a recycled storage warehouse, called La Boite Cafe.

    I was super excited to try this place out, as they are one of two places in Austin that sale the infamous French Macrons.

    We tried one of each flavor, the only ones I can recall are the purple which was lavender and orange was peach.  I think there was also a vanilla, and one with carmel, but honestly the filling they used tasted like a big stick of butter.   They all had the perfect chewy texture but lacked flavor, it was hard to tell one from the other (as u can tell from my detailed descriptions...LOL) if u were not looking at the bright colors. It was totally not worth the $10.00 I spent.

    Later that day we washed the Macrons down with doughnuts, from this place called Gourdoughs. This is a pretty new food trailer in Austin and their speciality are huge fried doughnuts. 

    (How cute is their Logo)

    We got one with chocolate fudge, coconut and coconut cream inside, but I almost passed out when the BF said it was almost 5.00 for a doughnut....thats until that monster came out!!

    It was so warm and FRIED (it almost tasted like a big funnel cake!!) and as much as we tried even among the two of us we could not finish the whole thing.   I can't wait to go back and try more, they even have one that has a chicken strip on it.

    We also had Mimosa's (Happy Hour is my BFF!!!) and mexican food, we had to get our nutrients from somewhere!!

    (Can u see me hiding my excitement for my next drink)

    Along with our eating binge we went to the movies several times over the weekend.  We saw "Machete" and "Going the Distance". 

    "Machete" was AMAZING!!!  It was so trashy and terrific at the same time. (People were  actually clapping at the end...LOL)  The cooleset thing was the movie was filmed here in Austin, and they shut down several streets by my office to film it, so we were able to point out all types of places in the film.  I also thought it was quite funny and ironic that Lindsey Lohan played a Crackhead in the movie....LOL!!!

    "Going the Distance" was also really good...I love Drew Barrymore and it was just a cute fun film!!

    I love long weekends and exploring the city with the BF.  Its a shame to say but we never fully take advantage of the fun city with live in, so its always nice to change things up from our normal weekend routine and end our day like this!!

    (Cupcakes from Polka Dots!!)

    Friday, September 3, 2010


    I stumbled across this video today….

    Are you just as shocked as I am? This really blows my mind and makes me really question what we are forced fed, via the media. Its sad that we look at media material and ooh and ahh at how GORGEOUS these person are wishing we could have their bodies or hair….BLAH BLAH.  When in reality its probably  F-A-K-E!!

    I  know I am am not perfect (okay maybe in my mind) but at least I am REAL !!!

    Have a wonderful LONG weekend!!