That was the shortest and longest weekend all at the same time. I was working up until the last minute making sure I had everything to make the
DollFace booth look awesome. To no surprise my dresses didn’t show up
(and as today won’t be here until Tuesday…BOO) but I got creative and threw together something
(that I actually ended up really liking).

The funny thing was I totally had that horrible prom scene occur. This girl walks in the theater and has this huge coat on, but I notice she is kind of giving me the side eye (I am like um…. I don’t know you so what’s the deal) then I walk into the lobby and realize what the side eye was all about, she was taking pictures with some people and her coat was off and guess what I see…the same damn dress I am wearing. I walked by her we looked at each other (thinking the same thing…oh no this Bitch didn’t) and I guess she got the clue that I looked better in the dress, because I never saw her again…LOL!!!
We sold a ton of stuff, meet some awesome people; I had some weird drunk lady actually grab my boob (yes, you did read that right) and some people shop lifted from me. So aside from my sexual assault and theft, the night was Awesome. I met some new vendors, got to see half naked girls dancing and pulled off another event!!

(You can see more pictures here)
We didn’t get home from Dallas until 3am, but it was worth it. We actually got invited to do some other events, but that’s going to be something I have to think about!
Surprisingly we didn’t do the movies, we were so drained I just wanted to lay in bed and watch movies. I caught up with one of my Netflix receivables
“The United States of Tara”. The show is actually really funny, it was created by Diablo Cody who wrote "Juno" and "Jennifer’s Body"….and it has the sexiest man ever in it
John Corbett ( aka..Aiden from Sex in the City) I think tonight we might go and see Dear John, but right now sleep is totally calling my name.
I hope everyone got to enjoy the super bowl!!

Check out some of the vendors here
Decadent Dames Vintage Flair You can view the complete list