Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Martha Stewart's Cupcakes Book
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Weekend Recap....
We also went and saw Dance Flick (yes, I know and I have learned my lesson) and I got so frustrated with this chick in the movie. I was already mad that I paid $8.50 to sit through this horrible movie, but then this hoochie starts to pop her gum while the movie is playing. I mean she was being blatantly obnoxious, so I felt it was my duty to scream across the theater and tell her to stop it…(What I really wanted to do was jump across the seat and smack the back of her head, so her gum would pop out and stick it in her hair….but I thought that wouldn’t be very Lady-Like). I swear Austin, has made me so Ghetto…LOL!!
The Real Housewives of NJ:
Charm School with Riki Lake
And to end my wonderful weekend I had one of my favorite local foods:
Friday, May 22, 2009
Party Like its 1999!!
So, What was Miss Kitty doing 10 years ago as a senior in High School:
1. Being accepted to St. Louis University (Go Billikens!!)
2. Dating the guy, who 4 years later I would Marry and 5 years later would Divorce
3. Driving a Candy Apple Red Chevy Cavalier
4. Weighing about 40lbs less…LOL!!
5. Lusting over Gavin Rossdale circa Bush
6. Jamming to the Cranberries
7. Being best friends with the future Mrs. Banks (whom I’ve known since 2nd grade, and is still my bestie today!!)
8. Sporting the Brandy micro braids
9. Getting my first tattoo
10. Praying that I would be a fabulous kick- ass person in 10 years…(Yes, Dreams do come true..LOL)
Looking back at 10 years ago, I can’t say I would change the path my life has taken. Those adventures, trials and tribulations have made me the person I am today.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
My Adventures at Walmart...
So the Wal-mart employee rolling her eyes says, “ No, that’s just a picture”. I think that comment just confused her even more, because I think she was expecting to go to the store and find her dog’s face on a can and be able to feed him. ( I was also thinking what have you been feeding your dog at this point)
I am standing there trying not to laugh out loud, I also notice the BF has walked off (stupid people seem to scare him off). Random girl is still standing there, even more distressed, and she decides to start talking to me (FYI: I tend to attract random weirdo’s, guess that how I got the BF….just kidding) the look on her face was priceless I mean she was literally about to start crying, she says to me “ You know they say they have a lot of variety, but they LIE, they LIE and that’s what really upsets me”. I quickly grabbled a bunch of stuff off the shelf so I could quickly remove myself from this situation as I had a feeling it was about to take a turn for the worse. (I was envisioning her turning green and Hulking, screaming and yelling in the aisle, throwing cans on the floor, knocking shelves over)
When I finally caught up with the BF we starting talking about, how we hope she doesn’t go to the cereal aisle. I mean is she going to see a box with count chocula on it and think, “Only Vampires can eat that”.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Weekend Update....
There were a lot of people in attendance and tons of activities were going on throughout the day. There were also some really cool vendors that had booths set up, so of course I was compelled to shop. I bought the coolest Hot Pink feather headband from Tara to the T, and the girls selling were dressed up the cutest vintage stewardess outfits.
Another company that caught my eye was Jupiter Moon 3, which specializes, in custom corsets, which made me realize…I need one. I love that look of small waists and big boobs!!!
Also, to my surprise they did a huge Burlesque show toward the end of the night. There were a variety of performers in all shapes and sizes. Also, to my excitement there was a black burlesque performer name Honey Coco Bordeauxx, who did a really good show!! Something rather funny we made note of was the fact that 95% of the dancers who attended the event were from Austin, how random!!
The rest of the weekend was nice and relaxing (except for those crazy Dallas drivers). I did get to go to Sprinkles Cupcakes and I have to say **YUCK**. I am sorry people; those cupcakes were not all that great. There are a handful of places here in Austin that are way better. I have to give a show-out to my favorite hometown place “ Polkadots Cupcake Factory”. Omg….if you ever come to Austin you have to visit this place, it’s the best ever. Plus the owners are beyond sweet!
When I stop being lazy I plan to post some pictures I took at the event! I posted some of the links to a few of the vendors and my favorite dancer!
PS....Something fun my sister found a generator to make your own Burlesque name:
**Post what you came up with***
Friday, May 15, 2009
Bored at Work!!!
I am hoping to come back from Dallas safe and sound and in one piece, but they have some of the worse drivers EVER!!! Its the only place, I've witnessed a person driving, reading a book, putting on makeup, eating and giving birth all at the same time..(okay maybe the last one is a fib...but you get my point)
Plus the BF has Road Rage, so this should be a super exciting trip!! Well I hope everyone has a good weekend!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Camel Toe
So to prove to him that I was not crazy, found the video on YouTube...has anyone else not heard of this song?
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Twilight Movie...
So, I am behind the news curve and just came across this article about the lady in St. Louis who found the Twilight script in the trash. According to the article, the lady found the scripts for the new “Twilight” movie and another movie called “Memoirs”. Being a good citizen she quickly returned them back to the entertainment company and in exchange in for her good deed she was invited to the premiere for movie.
Now there is no reason for me to lie, I got a thing for a Vampire named Edward Cullen, and I can admit it!! So, that got me thinking how different my actions would have been from this chick’s, as I would have used this chance of a lifetime as leverage. Below you will find my letter to the Entertainment Company.
From the Desk
Miss Kitty
Dear Entertainment Company:
Today I came across two important documents that I think you would like to get back. I would love to return these documents too you, so they don’t fall in the wrong hands, but require the following things:
1. Robert Pattison (all Vampired out)
2. Zac Efron (you know when I get bored with Robert)
3. My hour with Oprah
4. actually forget Oprah I want my own show “The Miss Kitty Show”
5. To replace Kristen Stewart as Bella ( I think a little color in your movie will do it some good)
6. A lifetime supply of Red Vines and Ruby Red Squirt
I expect all my demands to be meet in a timely manner. If they are not meet, I will have no choice but to splash this script all over the Internet. Please feel free to contact me, and have a pleasant day!
Hugs and Kisses,
Miss Kitty
* I think I will put it on Scented Hello Kitty Letterhead, I don't want it to seem to harsh*
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Bored at Work!!!
It’s always crazy when something you love is off the radar for other people. The only thing I can think of it’s a regional thing, since I am originally from Missouri.
I’ve created a short list of Things Miss Kitty Loves that it seems no one in Austin has ever heard of before:
1. Red Vines
2. Ruby Red Squirt
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Prison Time
I’ve come to the conclusion that I need to go to prison. I am sitting here watching Lock-Up Raw, and compared to these prisoners I am starting to feel like I am being cheated in life. These people are getting free food, education, job training, medical and a roof over their heads. They even have TV in their cells; it’s like a day spa over there. Just lock me up in my own cell and slap some cucumbers over my eyes and I am good to go!!!
But being honest, I am way too lazy to do the work to get put in prison....oh well!! One thing I did find kind of crazy, was the release of this guy who had been locked up for 24 years to be released due to DNA proving he didn't commit the crime. I mean what do you say to someone that you've take 24 years of thier life away..... Our Bad". I would be so pissed, I would end up back in jail for putting a hurting on those people....LOL!!!
Also, for anyone who watches trashy reality tv like me, some kooky prison news for you. I read today that Saaphyri from Flavor of Love and I Love Money 2 is in jail. She listed her prison mailing address on Twitter (Who needs Twitter in jail....LOL) so her "fans" can write her:
Saaphyri Wanda Scott
X359545 C.I.W. Barnerberg B 1137 Low 16756
Chino Corona Rd. Corona, CA 92880
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Bored at Work!!!
I am bored at work, and the people in my office are talking about stuff that is making my ears bleed and my skin crawl…I mean who comes to work to show off their rash they aquired last night, ewww gross????? People are so GROSS to me, and drive me insane with their nonesense.
Their convo’s did get me thinking, how neat would it be if tools used on the Internet could be used in real-life.
1. Have you ever seen out of the corner of your eye that person about to come up too you and start tallking,and you want nothing to do with that convo….well this is where your Pop-up Blocker comes into play.
2. How about you’ve been tricked into talking to someone and you could careless what their saying (you know when your eyes start to glaze over and you hear the teacher from Charlie Brown….bog wog wog) here comes your Spam Blocker it will help you cut out all that crap you don’t need to be bothered with.
3. Its Saturday night your out of the club and that icky guy is eyeballing you, Anti-Virus to the Rescue or even better DELETE!!!
4. So, the guy has gotten pass the Anti-Virus (damn Norton) open up Paint and edit that guy to your dreams desire….ha ha ha
So, on another note went and saw the Wolverine Movie, and it was decent. Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds were Delish, but the storyline was kind of lame. During the movie there was someone sitting behind us, who felt the need to clap like a crazy person everytime they laughed….(oh where oh where was my Spam blocker then). It was pretty annoying, because the movie was not even funny. Another factor to prove my point of how much people drive me insane!!!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Stripper Song....
I don’t care what anyone says, everyone has a Stripper song. That song that makes your inner stripper want to come out, you know your hidden Champange or Crystal.....(please forgive me if this your name!!!) Now, I am not saying actually taking your clothes off for money, I personally could never see myself as a stripper, I mean to each its own but I would look like a Hot Mess swirling my jiggly thighs on a pole. Plus its hard enough for me to walk in flats let alone those 10-inch hooker heels.
I guess the point of what I am saying, is that your Stripper song, makes you swing your hips a little bit more, gives you that Sexy confidence and basically makes you feel like a BAD GIRL!!! Even if its for a mere 3.28 mins, sometimes its nice to be taken out of your everyday BLAH and be turned into that Sexy Strippper...
So, here is Miss Kitty's top 3 inner Stripper Songs!!
1. Pour Some Sugar on Me – Def Leppard
2. More Human than Human – White Zombie
3. Cherry Pie - Warrant
So, what’s your inner Stripper Song?
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Pecan Festival
Friday, May 1, 2009
My Kind of Night!!