Monday, February 28, 2011
Engagement Photos...
Finally....Finally I got around to posting some of our engagement photos we took WAY back in December. The pictures were super big, so it was taking FOREVER to upload, so these are a few of my favorites!!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Weekend Recap...(Birthday Edition)
I am the big 3-0…and guess what I haven’t gotten any extra grey hairs, my head is still attached and I am still pretty sane. This birthday milestone was pretty hard on me, leaving my twenties and entering my DIRTY THIRTIES….for some reason I thought I would wake up feeling changed, like an old, dried up version of myself…but nothing, zip, nada…I am the same old me and its actually silly to think that I would become a different person because of another year.
Now on to the birthday weekend, I woke up bright and early ready for some yummy crepes for my birthday lunch. We set out to drive literally 10 minutes from my apartment, but it turned into the most horrific, car sickening 40 minutes of my life. Unknown to me, there was a huge marathon going on in Austin (they said over 22 thousand people showed up to this thing, from all over the world and a couple actually got married in the middle of it…CRAZY!!!) over the weekend, so there was a ton of traffic, walking and driving downtown, so it was busy…busy.
We get to the crepe place and it was told there was an HOUR wait. An hour wait for a French burrito….NO THANK YOU!! Feeling very bummed and nauseated we drove across town to the Cheesecake Factory and had tons of yummy tapas and my birthday stand by Strawberry Shortcake. It was so yummy!!
(you can never go wrong with FRIED CHEESE!!)
Later that night we met up with a ton of people from my class at this place called Main Event, which was pretty much an adult Chucky Cheese. We started out playing glow in the dark golf, which was not fun. You would have had to been on acid or something to have enjoyed that experience, I felt like I was in a crazy haunted house and ended that game quickly. We played a bunch of other games, I made an ass of myself with dance dance revolution and we bowled a billion games.
It was a total BLAST and confirmed that Thirty is just another age to mark off.
I had a very blessed and eventful birthday and I am beyond thankful to have had so many people wanting to make me feel like a super star on my special day.
Oh, ya I also got my Katy Perry tickets…Thanks LOVE!!
Before I go I had to show you the FANCY dessert we made on Monday. I love how it came out, but let me tell you this thing was way too consuming and bland to ever want to make it again.
You can check out my 2010 Birthday post here.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Weekend Recap...(Valentines Edition)
My weekend was cut very short, because I had class on Saturday. By time I woke up it was time for class and way too late to do anything afterward. All the weekend the boy had been telling me that he wasn’t going to go all out this year for Valentines Day, since he had just splurged on my ring so I wasn’t expecting anything. But being the sweetheart I feel in love with, I was surprised at work with a delivery of roses, chocolates and a cute little teddy bear and to make the day even better I was surprised that night with an amazing meal (he cooked himself) and chocolate covered strawberries. (I guess he is a keeper!!)
In class on Monday one of my classmates made the cutest little felt valentines (which of course I forgot to take a picture of). She made little felt hearts, pieces of bacon, eggs, butter and tacos. All in all I had a wonderful Valentines Day!!
In class were doing custards and mousses for the next couple of weeks and last night I got to try Crème Brulee for the first time.
OH MY BABY JESUS….that stuff was so amazing. Its like eating creamy vanilla with a crunchy crust on top…AMAZING!!!
I still love culinary school despite the schedule and being exhausted 99% of my week. The only thing I dislike is how high school it can feel. It’s been a very long time since I’ve been in an environment where people are so childish, gossipy and get their feelings hurt so easily.
A lot of people are not focused on the big picture of learning culinary arts. They come to school to see who likes them and how many friends they can make. It can get quite old dealing with the nonsense and drama that can ensue during class time, but knowing how hard it was for me to be able to attend this school, helps me see past a lot of that. Also I got another scholarship a few weeks ago, I had applied for it last year and got called that I won it. Things like that make it so worth it, along with knowing what I will achieve this upcoming November. I am actually consider taking the culinary end of the program after this. That program would focus on food overall...but its something I am still pondering.
Well I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentines Day, and I leave you with one of my favorite songs of the week. A definite Valentines mushy song, its a little cheesy, but this is exactly how I feel about my LOVE!!
In class on Monday one of my classmates made the cutest little felt valentines (which of course I forgot to take a picture of). She made little felt hearts, pieces of bacon, eggs, butter and tacos. All in all I had a wonderful Valentines Day!!
In class were doing custards and mousses for the next couple of weeks and last night I got to try Crème Brulee for the first time.
OH MY BABY JESUS….that stuff was so amazing. Its like eating creamy vanilla with a crunchy crust on top…AMAZING!!!
I still love culinary school despite the schedule and being exhausted 99% of my week. The only thing I dislike is how high school it can feel. It’s been a very long time since I’ve been in an environment where people are so childish, gossipy and get their feelings hurt so easily.
A lot of people are not focused on the big picture of learning culinary arts. They come to school to see who likes them and how many friends they can make. It can get quite old dealing with the nonsense and drama that can ensue during class time, but knowing how hard it was for me to be able to attend this school, helps me see past a lot of that. Also I got another scholarship a few weeks ago, I had applied for it last year and got called that I won it. Things like that make it so worth it, along with knowing what I will achieve this upcoming November. I am actually consider taking the culinary end of the program after this. That program would focus on food overall...but its something I am still pondering.
Well I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentines Day, and I leave you with one of my favorite songs of the week. A definite Valentines mushy song, its a little cheesy, but this is exactly how I feel about my LOVE!!

Monday, February 14, 2011
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
I HEART the 90's...
Valentines time is upon us and I got to thinking of my younger years, the days when “going out” included a weekend at the skating ring, texting was a handwritten note and sneaking late night phone calls was a common occurrence on a school night.
These songs bring back so many memories, its crazy!!! I can remember skating backward (and I was like the MOST AMAZING SKATER), holding hands with my "boyfriend" the love of my life, the boy I was meant to spend the rest of that slow skate with (I had to keep my options open...LOL)
Oh my, this song was the Jam of all Jam's. I think everyone and their mama had this CD. (I know my Mama did...LOL)
Girls, Girls…remember this song tugging at your heart, helping you get through all the issues you and your man were going through. (Finding out he called another girl on the phone…OH NO HE DIDN’T)
Can I just say how much I wanted that dress, and I LOVED that she made it cool to be a CUTE nerdy girl in glasses.
OOh, watch out now, this song was dirty dirty!! (Actually not really,but when you were 14 this was scandalous)
OMG, this was the BEST SONG EVER!! (It kind still is..SHH)
There are so many more songs that I could add to this list, but it would go on and on....what songs take you on a romantic memory lane?
With the help of my sister we decided to create a dedication in memory of those days…
Oh my, this song was the Jam of all Jam's. I think everyone and their mama had this CD. (I know my Mama did...LOL)
Girls, Girls…remember this song tugging at your heart, helping you get through all the issues you and your man were going through. (Finding out he called another girl on the phone…OH NO HE DIDN’T)
Does this song make anyone else think of 90210...
Can I just say how much I wanted that dress, and I LOVED that she made it cool to be a CUTE nerdy girl in glasses.
OOh, watch out now, this song was dirty dirty!! (Actually not really,but when you were 14 this was scandalous)
OMG, this was the BEST SONG EVER!! (It kind still is..SHH)
There are so many more songs that I could add to this list, but it would go on and on....what songs take you on a romantic memory lane?
Monday, February 7, 2011
Weekend Recap...
Something very strange happened last week, it snowed. All day on Thursday there were rumors of this Great Blizzard set to hit Austin, so people were preparing like it was freaking doomsday. Well on the drive home from school we actually did encounter, but honestly I was not expecting much more.
Well at 6:30 it was official, School and Work were cancelled due to snow. Being the sleepy head I am, I didn’t even look out the window, I just rolled back over and went to sleep.
So around noon (I need my beauty sleep) I finally wake up and guess what…all the DAMN snow was GONE…melted, vanished. But being postive, I got to miss work and school, got my car fixed (Thank you Wal-mart and Love), broke out my Burberry Wellies (which were actually quite unnecessary, being there was no actual snow to trudge around in, but I think I looked totally cute in them), wore my new dress from Forever 21( I was super surprised I could fit into their Large, that place makes me nervous when it comes to sizes).
I also baked up a storm, I made a Lime Angel Food Cake (which the boy INHALED before I could take a picture), chocolate chip cookies and chicken and spinach hand pies.
So it was a pretty productive “SNOW” day!!
Also, after blow drying my hair I totally realized I looked like a 70’s porn star (LOL) and had to document….so introducing Coco Darling!
Well at 6:30 it was official, School and Work were cancelled due to snow. Being the sleepy head I am, I didn’t even look out the window, I just rolled back over and went to sleep.
So around noon (I need my beauty sleep) I finally wake up and guess what…all the DAMN snow was GONE…melted, vanished. But being postive, I got to miss work and school, got my car fixed (Thank you Wal-mart and Love), broke out my Burberry Wellies (which were actually quite unnecessary, being there was no actual snow to trudge around in, but I think I looked totally cute in them), wore my new dress from Forever 21( I was super surprised I could fit into their Large, that place makes me nervous when it comes to sizes).
I also baked up a storm, I made a Lime Angel Food Cake (which the boy INHALED before I could take a picture), chocolate chip cookies and chicken and spinach hand pies.
So it was a pretty productive “SNOW” day!!
Also, after blow drying my hair I totally realized I looked like a 70’s porn star (LOL) and had to document….so introducing Coco Darling!

Thursday, February 3, 2011
Good Thoughts...
My birthday will be here in 17 Days (in case u were wondering, because you wanted to buy me a wonderful and awesome gift….you know just putting it out there). I am going to be a year older and with age I am realizing there are some things I want to change about myself.
One thing that has always been part of my personality is being a pessimist. I am quick to think the glass is half empty, but I’ve been trying to think more positive and not get so upset and worked up about things I can’t change. Someone said to me what you put out there is what you shall receive, so I don't want negativity to come my way and want to make an honest effort to be more upbeat about situtations.
So here goes…
Its Thursday… (Which means its closer to Friday…woo hoo)
It’s VERY cold… (Which means I get to snuggle closer to my loved ones!)
My car wouldn’t start… (Which means I got to car pool and spend extra time with the boy.)
I have to be in class for 5 hours (Which means I get to laugh and eat good food with great people)
Wow that wasn't too hard....hopefully I can keep it up and only good things will come my way.
One thing that has always been part of my personality is being a pessimist. I am quick to think the glass is half empty, but I’ve been trying to think more positive and not get so upset and worked up about things I can’t change. Someone said to me what you put out there is what you shall receive, so I don't want negativity to come my way and want to make an honest effort to be more upbeat about situtations.
So here goes…
Its Thursday… (Which means its closer to Friday…woo hoo)
It’s VERY cold… (Which means I get to snuggle closer to my loved ones!)
My car wouldn’t start… (Which means I got to car pool and spend extra time with the boy.)
I have to be in class for 5 hours (Which means I get to laugh and eat good food with great people)
Wow that wasn't too hard....hopefully I can keep it up and only good things will come my way.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Weekend Recap...
I am feeling quite accomplished after this weekend, I met with the dress designer who is creating my CUSTOM dress. I am so excited (because she is local and I can watch my dress come to life, locally) and I left after our meeting feeling like my dress dreams were in great hands. The designer’s name is Anslee Connell and her company is Savannah Red, you can check out her website here.
We also might have found the place for our reception. In August I will have to do an externship for school and I was doing some research for places and came across the cutest French inspired bakery, named La Patissere. Well we stopped in on Saturday, and all I can say is SWOON.
Well we found out they rent their space so were in talks to see if we can make it happen. I am also meeting with the owner on Wednesday about my externship, so I am STOKED. (Bonus info, she also graduated from the same school I am going to, so that is the coolest)
(How fun is this dress she designed for an 80's themed wedding)
We also might have found the place for our reception. In August I will have to do an externship for school and I was doing some research for places and came across the cutest French inspired bakery, named La Patissere. Well we stopped in on Saturday, and all I can say is SWOON.
We just made those Millefeuille ( also known as Napoleons) in class last week, here is mine....
Another thing I can check off my list is our photographer. So, I put an ad on Craigslist for a photographer to see what was out there…OH MY CUPCAKE, we got so many freaking responses it was crazy. ( I listed at the end of November and were still getting emails from people) Well we got every type of photographer you can imagine and a few creepers (What do you expect its Craigslist…LOL). I was actually surprised at the amount of people who were out of state who responded. Well after pouring over tons and tons of websites (and hysterically laughing at a few…ya were JERKS!) We came across an email that was perfect. The way the photographer described her work, were almost the exact words I would describe us and how we want our wedding reflected. So I emailed her back and found out she is actually located in Seattle. After speaking with her I totally fell in love (she was as sweet as can be) and was ready to sign here up. Her work is so pretty, make sure to check out her website here.
Along with all the wedding stuff....
I drank fancy hot chocolate ….
Made an edible fish complete with Hair Bow…..
Got all Austiney and had a yummy healthy lunch at Whole Foods ( DISREGARD the gallon of ranch dressing)
And the best thing EVER...finding this mint condition AWESOME Kaboodle for 2 bucks at GoodWill. I am totally bringing this thing back into style!!

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