Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Weekend Recap...

I am feeling quite accomplished after this weekend, I met with the dress designer who is creating my CUSTOM dress. I am so excited (because she is local and I can watch my dress come to life, locally) and I left after our meeting feeling like my dress dreams were in great hands. The designer’s name is Anslee Connell and her company is Savannah Red, you can check out her website here.

(How fun is this dress she designed for an 80's themed wedding)

We also might have found the place for our reception. In August I will have to do an externship for school and I was doing some research for places and came across the cutest French inspired bakery, named La Patissere.  Well we stopped in on Saturday, and all I can say is SWOON.



We just made those Millefeuille ( also known as Napoleons) in class last week, here is mine....

Well we found out they rent their space so were in talks to see if we can make it happen. I am also meeting with the owner on Wednesday about my externship, so I am STOKED. (Bonus info, she also graduated from the same school I am going to, so that is the coolest)

Another thing I can check off my list is our photographer. So, I put an ad on Craigslist for a photographer to see what was out there…OH MY CUPCAKE, we got so many freaking responses it was crazy. ( I listed at the end of November and were still getting emails from people) Well we got every type of photographer you can imagine and a few creepers (What do you expect its Craigslist…LOL). I was actually surprised at the amount of people who were out of state who responded. Well after pouring over tons and tons of websites (and hysterically laughing at a few…ya were JERKS!) We came across an email that was perfect. The way the photographer described her work, were almost the exact words I would describe us and how we want our wedding reflected. So I emailed her back and found out she is actually located in Seattle. After speaking with her I totally fell in love (she was as sweet as can be) and was ready to sign here up. Her work is so pretty, make sure to check out her website here.

Along with all the wedding stuff....

I drank fancy hot chocolate ….


Made an edible fish complete with Hair Bow…..


Got all Austiney and had a yummy healthy lunch at Whole Foods ( DISREGARD the gallon of ranch dressing)


And the best thing EVER...finding this mint condition AWESOME Kaboodle for 2 bucks at GoodWill.  I am totally bringing this thing back into style!!



  1. You are so cute. :]

    I use it everyday and love it. haha

  2. YUM!!!


  3. I'm glad your wedding plans are coming together well. Looking forward to seeing what your wedding dress will look like, I quite like the 80's one the designer created!

  4. You have got SO much going on!! Baking and designing and planning... lots and lots to be thankful for. Make sure you take lots of moments to enjoy the journey! :)

  5. I am so glad that your wedding deeets are coming together!!!! woo hoo! The photographer looks amazing. That 80's dress is fantastic! You are going to have an awesome day! That bakery looks sweet too!


Thanks for showing me some love!