Saturday night they got to attend their first burlesque show and they really enjoyed it. I was doing Dollface stuff and was kind of grounded to my post, but I did get to see a few acts. Here are a few pictures from the night. ( I didn't post any pictures of my family, because my mother would kill me, she wants approve all pictures before they hit the web...LOL!!)
(You can see more Dollface pictures here)
There were so many people at the show and a ton of performers, many from other states (which is kind of random since it was the Texas Burlesque Festival). We were not able to take pictures with personal cameras, but I snatched these from their Facebook page.After the stress of the show was over we spent the rest of the weekend just having a good time and doing tons and tons of shopping.
( I totally wanted this, buy my sister talked me out of it...something about not being work appropriate)
Sunday night we went and saw "Kick-Ass" and it was so good. I loved the character Hit-Girl, she was like this 9-year old Bad-Ass .The movie had a ton of violence and offensive language but it was a Good Time for sure!!! I would say if you liked the Kill Bill Series, you will really like this film.
Now that the party is over, its time for me buckle down and finish my final paper. I've been really slacking, but I got my focus goggles on now and I am ready!! A few more weeks and I will be the proud holder of a Master's Degree....WHOA!!!