MAC says "Hello" to Hello Kitty!!!
Its a new year and this a new blog for me. I thought I would start things out with my excitement regarding a new line I just read about in People Style Watch. MAC Cosmetics will be launching a new line in Feb to inlcude Miss Hello Kitty.
I literally almost peed in my pants when I heard this news. The line is said to be relased Feb 12, 2009, which is six days from my Birthday....this would be a great birthday gift!!!
so cute!i love it!彌月油飯,月見草,深海魚油,亞麻仁,新聞,油價調漲,加油站,油壓,抽油煙機,濾油粉,加油站,油畫,石油,加油站,卸妝油,三溫暖,三溫暖,油壓,膠原蛋白,醬油,琉璃苣油,加油站,油封,蝦餅,鮮奶油,中油,金石堂,金賢重,變形金剛,黃金屋,書店,黃金,金庸,金亞中,金典,存摺,黃金城,金色琴弦,金素恩,回收,金門,激麻館,變形金剛,金門,火影,三國,火龍果,火線,蒙古火鍋,蒙古火鍋,動力火車,燒肉店,林依晨,