I know I’ve been in and out. But finally the fruits of my labor have paid off! If you get a chance please check out what I’ve been work on on here.
Also, make sure to subscribe to my other blog!!
Thanks for all the love and support!!
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Sitting down to write this posts I slowly started to get that tinge in my stomach and had to stop the tears from welling up in my eyes. The last week or so has been the hardest most heartbreaking days of my life.
My father passed away unexpectedly…
While everyone was posting Happy Fathers day wishes and pictures, I was longing for my dad. I have no qualms with admitting I had a pretty amazing father. He was loved and respected by many and it pains me to know someday my own children won’t experience his joy.
Right now I am kind of in a fog a zombie of sorts. I’m going through the motions of a normal person, but I have those moments where I come across a picture and break down. I know I will never completely heal from this loss, but the wonderful memories he left is what makes the day easier to go on.
Miss you pops!
My father passed away unexpectedly…
While everyone was posting Happy Fathers day wishes and pictures, I was longing for my dad. I have no qualms with admitting I had a pretty amazing father. He was loved and respected by many and it pains me to know someday my own children won’t experience his joy.
Right now I am kind of in a fog a zombie of sorts. I’m going through the motions of a normal person, but I have those moments where I come across a picture and break down. I know I will never completely heal from this loss, but the wonderful memories he left is what makes the day easier to go on.
Miss you pops!
Monday, May 21, 2012
Things have been really quiet over here, because I’ve been diligently working on getting my company Dollface Delights a face lift. I’ve decided to rebrand the company to reach out to a different market and offer some additional services. Right now I am taking a 14-week small business course and learning so much on running my business the legit way. One of the things I’ve realized I really need to get my butt on is business cards. People are always asking for them and its kind of embarrassing that I don't have any to hand out.
When I had my original website and logo created I received a ton of business cards, but with the rebranding and getting a new phone number those cards are pretty useless. I’ve been doing a ton of research to find the best place to order my cards for the value and I came across the site Print Runner. Print Runner is an online printing company that offers business card services.
There website is so user friendly and I love how you can create your own style of business card or use their templates. Here are a few ideas I've been playing around with.
Out of pure coincidence I received an email from them asking me if I would be interested in hosting a giveaway for some of their products, which of course I was stoked about. So thanks to Print Runner and allowing me to host this Giveway, the winner and myself will receive the following:
Business Card Size and Style Business Cards - 2x3.5 (Standard)
Quantity 250
Colors 4/4 Color Both Sides
Paper 14 pt. UV Coating on Front, 14 pt. UV Coating on both sides,
Proof NONE
Rounded Corners NO
*Giveaway is open to US Residents only, ages 18 years old and above.
To make this quick and dirty, if you want to enter email me at Erica@ibleedpink.com, with the subject line PRINT RUNNER. Include your mailing info, that way if your selected I don't have to chase you down for your info and I can submit your info to them ASAP. Winner will be announced on May 25, 2012!!!
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Rock and Roll Bride...
I've been a bad blogger... I know, I SUCK!
But I wanted to share this cool news with the few people still following along. Our wedding was featured on the Uber cool blog Rock and Roll Bride.
Check out the feature here.

Monday, March 19, 2012
Weekend Recap...
My weekend consisted of the following:
Carnivals and Carnies
Fried Oreos (YUCK) and funnel cake
Funny movies with my handsome husband and
Way too much shopping for my poor bank account
It was our “Spring Break” last week so got to enjoy being together, which meant we actually were home at a decent hour at the same time. (Doesn’t happen very often)
I often think to myself just how lucky I am; that I got to marry someone I love being around every day. Now don’t get me wrong, its not always unicorns and rainbows (especially when I have to ask a certain someone about a million times to take his trash out) but even during those times I’m happy that were us!
Not much else is going on right now, I am kind of in a funk and trying to figure out how to get out of it. I'm at a place in my life that I am very very confused as to what is the right path I should be taking.
Can you have a mid-life crisis in your 30's?
Thursday, March 1, 2012
February Reflection...
Can you believe it’s already MARCH…Its crazy. February flew by way too quickly. I’m another year older, got to see my much missed family, celebrated 3 happy months of marriage and baked like a crazy person. Overall it was a pretty good month.
I've started eating better and have actually slowly started to see some results, now if I can get my exercise together, we might have some magic happening. The funny thing is once I started to account for what I was putting in my body, it made me really open my eyes. Let me tell you when you start counting calories you become really stingy about what you want to eat. I haven’t had a soda in 2 months, I just can’t afford to waste those calories….LOL!! I am rather proud of myself for sticking to my goal.
Here are some pics of February via my Instagram.
After my mom gave me a ton of my old Disney movies, I've gone on a hunt to start a collection. I looked on Ebay for "Little Mermaid" and I swear people wanted a bizillion dollars for the DVD. I lucked out and found a guy selling a bunch of Disney dvd's on Craigslist and picked this up. After watching it over the weekend it was totally worth risking my saftey to acquire it...LOL!
I have not stopped listening to this CD. At first I was like what is this nonesense, but then it become like a drug that I had to have once a day. I pretty much love her music...she is beyond "fresh to death"!
I don't think I can do any justice describing this amazing cake. I had purchased some really good chocolate and wanted something simple to showcase the taste. This cake took me about 45 from start to finish and it was SO FREAKING GOOD!! I mean anything that has hot chocolate pouring out of it, is totally worth licking the plate for.
These shoes are a dream come true for me...GLITTERY, PINK and to top it off a BOW (thank you shoe Gods, and Steve Madden)
Now I am exciting to see what is in store for March.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Happy Valentines Day...
Happy Valentines Day!!
I am hoping everyone is going to have a day filled with lots of love. This year is quite different from last year because the husband is taking some classes which basically fills up his whole week, so we didn’t really plan anything. We have some fun plans for the weekend (especially since my birthday is on Sunday) so tonight won’t be anything fancy, just being in the company of my two favorite boys.
In other exciting news we finally got our wedding photos back and I pretty much adore them. There were a TON and it was super hard to pick just a few to post. (Sorry for the grainy quality)
(The one above is my all-time favorite)
Well everyone have a wonderful day and make sure to spread the LOVE!
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