Thursday, July 28, 2011

Random Thoughts for Thursday...

Thinking my future will look a little like this (plus a pink dog)...

For the last 2 weeks I’ve been listening to country music…its crazy …and I LOVE IT!!  Maybe Texas has officially grown on me…  

In desperate need of this hair...

 I’ve been quite frustrated and biting my nails, which I know is gross and not very lady like, but I continue to do it...

Completely addicted to this chick….she is a 16 year-old hot mess train wreck and I really think we should be BFF’s!!  (I know 16...ha ha ha)

(read about the story here)

Counting down to fall in love, be inspired and dance  and sing like a crazy person.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Weekend Recap....

I’m officially addicted to changing my hair color, its so much FUN!!! As you can see I’ve switched from Blue to Pink/Purple. Its really hard to see the AWESOMENESS of the color in these pictures, but lets just say I LOVE it!! I plan to keep up the changes, so make sure to stay tuned.

The weekend involved early mornings,U-haul trucks, delicious food and watching “Friends with Benefits” which was HILARIOUS. It was a great romantic comedy that even the boys will enjoy. I also got my externship at a cute little café and I am really excited to see what my next couple of weeks brings.

Friday, July 22, 2011


I spent all morning trying to score tickets to see Adele and they literally sold out in five seconds.

I am slightly bummed, but she was going to be a much bigger venue and when I saw her the first time she came to Austin it was at this little hole in the wall club where I could literally touch her, and nothing will ever compare to that.  (Unless I can convince her to come and sing at our wedding) 

Next weekend I get to see the amazing Katy Perry and I am so stoked. I just love her to pieces, her music, her lyrics and her style. People give me a hard time about loving her, but as my last posted “ I COULD CARELESS WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK”, its all about what I love and what makes me happy.

What won’t be making me happy is waking up before 7am on a Saturday to deal with a U-HUAL Truck. We (actually meaning the boy, because I will be just supervising) are moving the last of his stuff this weekend and I couldn’t be happier. I swear if we ever move again, I just plan to set everything on fire and start from scratch….ha ha.

Hopefully we will get to do some fun things, there are tons of movies coming out this weekend and it feels like its been FOREVER since we went out.  Its so HOT here venturing outside of my house gives me huge fears of bursting into flames, so staying in has been our game plan most days. 

In school news I have less than 3 weeks left...WOO HOO.  I have several interviews for externships next week...double WOO HOO and I made my own candy bar that might have involved Bacon.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Born this way...

                                I got a sweet and surprising email from a blog reader who complimented me on my personal style and basically wanted to know how I feel so comfortable in my own skin.

I first have to say Thanks!  I think it’s really cool when people compliment me on my “style”.  Overall I am a loud, bright, over the top person (I tell the boy all the time I  should have been born a drag queen…LOL) .  I think glitter should be worn daily and I say "Go bright or go home"… I am very comfortable with who I am, I learned early on the only person I have to make happy is ME.  I could careless if people stare because I have blue hair (JEALOUS) or make comments about my tattoos and piercings (HATERS) they make me happy and that’s the most important thing. 

Along with my clothing style, I’ve also made sure to have my education and accomplishments behind me.  If someone wants to make a comment about my outfit I am able to walk away smiling , because I know I am a good person who has done wonderful things with her life.    I will never be the cookie cutter type and will always live my life for me, which sometimes includes wearing Bright Pink Lipstick while lounging on the couch watching Disney cartoons and eating cereal out of the box...thats how I roll. 

Long story short, "Be true to you" as long as your not hurting yourself or anyone else, Embrace it. 

Monday, July 18, 2011

Life Recap...

I've been slacking...but I promise I've been a Busy Litle Bee!!

I learned how to make pretty sparkley chocolate …

We booked our honeymoon….

Saw a concert …

and fell in love with BLUE HAIR!!


(so I found this shoes amongst some other stuff in my closet and realized I had them for years and NEVER wore them....wore them on this day and realized "WOW these are supe cute and comfy" in the middle of the day the stupid things totally fell apart and I had to throw them away....KARMA...LOL!)

I can't even explain in words how much I am loving colored hair!!  I've always wanted to take the plunge, and found a safe way to test the waters.  Now that I'm ADDICTED, expect to see all types of colors popping up!! 

Tuesday, July 12, 2011