Thursday, December 29, 2011
Happy Holidays...
I wanted to wish everyone very Happy Holidays. I've been working like a crazy person (loving just about every min of it) and I am STOKED for 2012.
I want to set tons of new goals for myself and being a better blogger is one of them.
See you next year!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Wedding Photos (Sneek Peek)
Our photographer sent us a few sneak peeks of our wedding photos and I love how they came out. Its kind of funny because some of them I look at my face and think…LOL…but there was so much fun and laughter going on that day, it’s a true expression of my pure happiness. (Plus were kind of GOOF BALLS, so I am surprised at what she got from what she was working with…LOL)
Also, I felt like a cheap stripper by time the day was over, my DIY glitter shoes...OH LORDY. Lets just say I totally got a lesson on how NOT to put 10 pounds of glitter on shoes. Three weeks later and were still finding glitter all over the place.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Weekend Recap...Honeymoon
Were back, things are slowing down and getting back to normal.
Our trip involved lets of lounging, eating amazing food and tons and tons of WALKING. Oh my…my little leggies were aching every night after all the walking we did, but we got to see a ton of the city. The bed and breakfast we stayed at was pretty darn amazing and we are already thinking about going back for our 1 year anniversary next year.
I think most of all I enjoyed just spending time together, doing nothing and getting to know each other on a new level…a husband and wife level. We’ve been together for almost 5 years, but every day I get the privilege of learning something new about the person I love. (Like how he was able to hide getting me an AMAZING gift for our trip)
Now that were home, were figuring out our next step. Right before our wedding I got offered a pastry position at a very trendy restaurant here in town. So far I’ve only worked a week, but I LOVE it. Its confirmed, reaffirmed and proven that this is what I was put on this earth to do everyday. My days are SUPER early, but it hasn’t felt like work yet and that’s such a blessing.
At this moment in my life I don’t think I could be any happier.
Here are some random photos taken on our trip...we had so many photos it was just WAY too many posts. (Like I said we did ALOT of eating!!!)
Our trip involved lets of lounging, eating amazing food and tons and tons of WALKING. Oh my…my little leggies were aching every night after all the walking we did, but we got to see a ton of the city. The bed and breakfast we stayed at was pretty darn amazing and we are already thinking about going back for our 1 year anniversary next year.
I think most of all I enjoyed just spending time together, doing nothing and getting to know each other on a new level…a husband and wife level. We’ve been together for almost 5 years, but every day I get the privilege of learning something new about the person I love. (Like how he was able to hide getting me an AMAZING gift for our trip)
Now that were home, were figuring out our next step. Right before our wedding I got offered a pastry position at a very trendy restaurant here in town. So far I’ve only worked a week, but I LOVE it. Its confirmed, reaffirmed and proven that this is what I was put on this earth to do everyday. My days are SUPER early, but it hasn’t felt like work yet and that’s such a blessing.
At this moment in my life I don’t think I could be any happier.
Here are some random photos taken on our trip...we had so many photos it was just WAY too many posts. (Like I said we did ALOT of eating!!!)
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Weekend Recap...
This weekend actually felt normal…I got to sleep in, or at least tried to. My body must be use to get up early, because I tried my darndest, but I was up super early.
Friday was a Holiday so we had the whole day to spend together and it was great. The boy has started running, and since the weather was pretty awesome me and Loco went along to do a little walking.
We went out with friends for drinks and dinner…and someone had WAY too many mimosa’s and lost their wallet, only to realize it the next day, then they found out by the restaurant that a good Samaritan had turned it in. Go to pick it up from the restaurant to find it was run over and one of my cards was broken and the others were bent up. I am just elated that someone turned them in…and I can still use them until I get my new ones in the mail.
Saturday we tried a new local ice cream place in town called “Lick”….AMAZING is all I can say.
We got to try so many unique and fun flavors, and I settled on Carrot/Tarragon and Vanilla Bean, while the boy ended up with mix mosh of four flavors…one including cilantro lime…which was EXCELLENT.
Movies later that night to see “Immortals’, which was just okay. (Totally should have waited for Netflix) Finished off the weekend with wedding hair pieces and boutonnières and baked butter and sugar.
The only thing freaking me out, is the forecast of rain this weekend. Its pouring as I am typing and I am hoping we don't endure it this weekend....BOO!!
Friday was a Holiday so we had the whole day to spend together and it was great. The boy has started running, and since the weather was pretty awesome me and Loco went along to do a little walking.
Saturday we tried a new local ice cream place in town called “Lick”….AMAZING is all I can say.
We got to try so many unique and fun flavors, and I settled on Carrot/Tarragon and Vanilla Bean, while the boy ended up with mix mosh of four flavors…one including cilantro lime…which was EXCELLENT.
Movies later that night to see “Immortals’, which was just okay. (Totally should have waited for Netflix) Finished off the weekend with wedding hair pieces and boutonnières and baked butter and sugar.
The only thing freaking me out, is the forecast of rain this weekend. Its pouring as I am typing and I am hoping we don't endure it this weekend....BOO!!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
This week has already been super busy and it’s only Wednesday. Monday we went and picked up our marriage license. For some reason I thought it was going to be this long drawn out process, but it was SUPER QUICK. We picked a number, not even 5 minutes later we were at the front desk, paying our fee and signing off on our paperwork. (So, theres not backing out now...LOL)
Tuesday the boy’s office threw us a wedding shower. Now, I have to be honest I was totally against this whole process. I didn’t want any showers, and when he told me his office wanted to do something I was all for bailing out. I have to say they shocked and surprised me and totally went all out. There was tons of food, and gifts and someone even made us a wedding cake.
At this point I think were just ready for the day to get here and for HONEYMOON TIME!! I can't even explain how excited and stoked I am for our trip.
Also, as of last week I am offically a CERTIFIED Pastry Chef. Graduation won't be until April, but its feels good to be accomplished with one of many goals. November has been so good to me, and its just the beginning!!
Tuesday the boy’s office threw us a wedding shower. Now, I have to be honest I was totally against this whole process. I didn’t want any showers, and when he told me his office wanted to do something I was all for bailing out. I have to say they shocked and surprised me and totally went all out. There was tons of food, and gifts and someone even made us a wedding cake.
At this point I think were just ready for the day to get here and for HONEYMOON TIME!! I can't even explain how excited and stoked I am for our trip.
Also, as of last week I am offically a CERTIFIED Pastry Chef. Graduation won't be until April, but its feels good to be accomplished with one of many goals. November has been so good to me, and its just the beginning!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011
Weekend Recap...
Guess who got new glasses....and yes, they are pretty SNAZZY!!
So I am trying to wrap my mind around the fact that everything is coming a head in a little over two weeks….EEK!! Literally this time has flown by, it’s CRAZY!!!
Externship is officially over this week, I’ve applied for several jobs in the field and I actually got offered two of them. The disappointing thing is that many don’t offer the hours or pay my office job does, so it would be a HUGE adjustment. I was rather depressed last week trying to figure out what do. I really want to jump into this field, but it might not be a possibility right away. I’ve just had a lot to think about and still today I don’t feel like I have a real resolution. Ultimately I would love to get my company off the ground and get to a point where it’s the only thing I do.
Its frustrating because one one hand I have all these exciting and uplifting changes occuring and on the other hand I feel lost and sad at other changes....DAMN YOU LIFE!!
Over the weekend, the boy and I went to the most amazing DRAG show.
It was Vegas themed and so entertaining. They did Katy Perry, Celine Dion and Lady Gaga. I left feeling like a shabby girl after seeing these DIVAS in action. I mean they were doing these dance moves in killer heels, I can't even get out of my car in flats without falling down...LOL!!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Please come back...
So I saw this show on Demand and watched all the episodes available. Can I just say LOVE LOVE it!! Its so funny and cute. But I am sad that it hasn't come back on yet.
Come back....I MISS YOU!!

Thursday, October 20, 2011
Baking Time...
Its getting chilly here and for me nothing is better than a warm dessert and a hot mug filled with tea. Yesterday I tasted the most amazing cupcake and when I got home I had to figure out the recipe…which I did!! ( I felt like a mad scientist in my kitchen breaking down the recipe)
Who knew Sweet Potatoes would make the most amazing moist cupcakes EVER. Their even better the next day!!
Things like this make me truly know I am following the right path!!
Sweet Potatoe Cupcakes with Cinnamon Vanilla Bean Meringue...Toasted of Course!
Who knew Sweet Potatoes would make the most amazing moist cupcakes EVER. Their even better the next day!!
Things like this make me truly know I am following the right path!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Life Recap...
Long time no write….
Things are crazy busy right now!! I am in my last couple of my weeks of my externship and I’m really ready to MOVE ON!! I’ve learned a lot from the place I am working at, but the biggest thing I have learned it’s not the type of work I want to do in my pastry career. Their main business is custom cakes and honestly that’s not where my passion lies. I want to be a pastry chef, not just a cake decorator or cupcake baker, but overall I think it’s really given me a clear picture of my career path.
In other news, I am getting married in exactly 1 month today!!!!
The time has flown by and I am anxiously counting down the days, hours and minutes until we say “I do”. As far as wedding planning goes, were pretty much done, I have my final dress fitting at the end of the month and the last time I saw the dress it was coming along perfectly.
Random side notes....
I’ve officially become OBESSED and ADDICTED with the show “Criminal Minds”. I could slap myself for just discovering this show. It totally scares me, and is slowly making me a recluse, but I LOVES IT!! If you watch it, how much do you love Garcia...she is my favorite!
I’ve made some fun stuff at the bakery I work at and cake balls are one of my favorites. I know they’ve been around for awhile, but these little bites of cakes are slowly turning into my new crack!! ( I will admit that I didn't want to look at them for awhile after dipping a few hundred of them)
Amazon is my new “Boo”; I almost died when I found out I could get free two-day shipping. Literally I’ve been up at 2am ordering books and running home with excitement for their delivery. I swear they sell EVERYTHING too, if your looking for a lung, check out Amazon!!
In the last week I’ve purchased 8 cookbooks and I made these last night from one of the books I got called “Cookiepedia" (if you love cookies, get this book, its got great recipes).
Things are crazy busy right now!! I am in my last couple of my weeks of my externship and I’m really ready to MOVE ON!! I’ve learned a lot from the place I am working at, but the biggest thing I have learned it’s not the type of work I want to do in my pastry career. Their main business is custom cakes and honestly that’s not where my passion lies. I want to be a pastry chef, not just a cake decorator or cupcake baker, but overall I think it’s really given me a clear picture of my career path.
In other news, I am getting married in exactly 1 month today!!!!
The time has flown by and I am anxiously counting down the days, hours and minutes until we say “I do”. As far as wedding planning goes, were pretty much done, I have my final dress fitting at the end of the month and the last time I saw the dress it was coming along perfectly.
Random side notes....
I’ve officially become OBESSED and ADDICTED with the show “Criminal Minds”. I could slap myself for just discovering this show. It totally scares me, and is slowly making me a recluse, but I LOVES IT!! If you watch it, how much do you love Garcia...she is my favorite!
I’ve made some fun stuff at the bakery I work at and cake balls are one of my favorites. I know they’ve been around for awhile, but these little bites of cakes are slowly turning into my new crack!! ( I will admit that I didn't want to look at them for awhile after dipping a few hundred of them)
Amazon is my new “Boo”; I almost died when I found out I could get free two-day shipping. Literally I’ve been up at 2am ordering books and running home with excitement for their delivery. I swear they sell EVERYTHING too, if your looking for a lung, check out Amazon!!
In the last week I’ve purchased 8 cookbooks and I made these last night from one of the books I got called “Cookiepedia" (if you love cookies, get this book, its got great recipes).
(This was my first time trying Dulce De Leche, which is a caramel made with sweet condensed milk....can I just say I stopped licking the can only when I realized both the boy and the dog were staring at me...SO GOOD!!"
Life is busy, but its good and its only getting better. Thanks for everyone who has been saying hello and sticking around. I promise to be a little better about the updates!!
Monday, September 19, 2011
Weekend Recap...
It’s funny that I am writing this post exactly 2 Months before our wedding date. This weekend really changed and defined my relationship.
We went to the Austin City Limits (ACL) festival on Friday. Being honest I was not too excited about the whole experience, I’ve posted about this in the past, but I suffer from agoraphobia, for those who don’t know about it you can read about here. I knew I was in store for an anxiety filled weekend, but I wanted to be brave and try pushing myself. Things didn’t start off so well, when we had to get off the shuttle after I had a small panic attack, but honestly after we got off I was good.
We ended up taking a Pedi cab, which was the craziest/coolest thing ever and once we got to the concert, things were going GREAT, I got to see Brandi Carlile and she was AMAZING (and made my Girl Crush even BIGGER). For as many people that were there, things were actually really organized and things ran really smoothly. We decided to camp out in one spot since most of the shows we wanted to see where at this stage. We saw Big Boi, Damien Marley, Nas and from a distance we could hear Foster the People, but didn’t want to move, for fear of losing our spot. As the night progressed we started to notice more and more people crowding around our space. When the nights headliner, Kayne West came on we were literally smashed against 30 thousand other people. (I heard on the news the next day there were over 65 thousand people at the festival).
I thought I could handle it, I had taken some medicine before hand, but I couldn’t. I had one of the biggest panic attacks of my life and I broke down. I was frustrated for letting myself get into this predicament and also for ruining the boy’s chance at seeing Mr. West. I couldn’t hold off, I started crying, I couldn't breathe, my head was spinning and my chest was pounding. In that moment I thought I was going to die, I know it sounds crazy, but that’s what my mind was thinking… The next thing I knew, I was being calmed down, I was being talked to in a manner that made me feel safe and secure. My hand was being grabbed and I was being rescued. When I opened up my eyes I could see I had been saved.
I wish I could eloquently explain how much I love the man I am being blessed to marry in 2 months. He is my knight in shining armor and his actions on Friday showed his raw and genuine love for me. In every relationship there are defining moments that change it for the better and sometimes the worse…that moment changed my relationship, it made it grow and develop into something I don’t even truly understand. I do know I will never let him go, I will hold him forever and every night I will get on my knees and thank the heavens he was sent to me.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Adventure Time...
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Weekend Recap...
I had a real weekend and I LOVED it! I still had to work a bazillion hours, but I had one whole day for myself and enjoyed every minute.
We took a road trip to officially see the chapel and it was GORGEOUS, It made me even more excited for that day to get here. The only downfall is this little hike you have to take from the main building to get to the actual chapel. (re-evaluating my shoe choice), but knowing who will be waiting up there for me, its totally worth it.
We also hung out with friends and ate great BBQ, I got to assist on a wedding at work and learned just how stressful it really is, Ate a ton of dessert and I think i found my next school option...LOL!
Throughout all the fun we got to have, many of our friends were going through a more stressful time. There have been some horrible fires burning very close to Austin and the surrounding areas. I've been hearing some horror stories of families having to evcuate their homes and actually losing them. Its so sad. These are the things that really make you APPRECIATE everything.
(Photo by Taylor Gudus this was a road going into Bastrop 16 miles long 6 miles wide.)
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