Thursday, December 2, 2010

Rough Week...

It’s been a really rough week….

Work is exhausting, depressing, draining and a few other choice words…

I missed my first day of school and literally feel so behind (you have to think we cram a weeks worth of stuff in one day)

Dealing with reoccurring health issues…

Truly feeling backed in a corner due to financial constraints…

It’s been a really rough week …..

My LOVE surprised me with a sweet treat just to put a smile on my face…..

Were starting to bake bread in school and I am in true HEAVEN….

I am alive and still kicking….

Good music has made my days bearable….

It's been a Rough Week....but its almost OVA!!!


  1. So sorry you have had a rough week! I hope your health and financial issues get better! Both of those can make life so difficult! Take care girl!

  2. I'm sorry to hear this hasn't been the best week for you. It sounds like your honey has been taking good care of you, and that's so sweet. My man is able to make me feel better on even the roughest of weeks. Those guys sure are good to have around!

    Hope next week is better. :-)

  3. sorry to hear that your week didnt go well.. but trust everything will get better..! this week will be better..!


Thanks for showing me some love!