Bush on the MP3 this morning was Great!
Driving to work I realized I hate pedestrians who jump out into the street and slow me up, but when I am the pedestrian I have no issue with jumping into the street, and will quickly give the stink eye to those drivers glaring at me….yes I am a hypocrite!
I walk 8 flights of steps every morning to get to my office and every so often I run into this rude guy who almost knocks me over EVERTIME…never apologizes and looks back at me like I DESERVED it, (I guess I am walking to slow for his liking.) Well this morning I beat him upstairs but I stuck my gum on the rail so it would get on his hand and I laughed when I heard him bitching about it (Oh don't look at me like that...I am just honest about my WICKED WAYS!!)
At work a lot of times I will put on my headphones (even if the music is not playing) just because I don’t want to talk to anyone I work with.
My dog has to go the Vet today, one of his ears smells really bad and I think I saw a mushroom growing in it.
Oh and at some point I would like to be eating this...
So I can feel like this...
Have a wonderful weekend and feel free to Express your Wicked Ways and then tell me about it so we can laugh together ( No Judgements here!!)