So, I had to share one photo with you guys.....I was tingling as soon as I saw the email and when I opened it, I knew she had went beyond my expectations!!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Weekend Recap....
All I can say is WHEW…. I’ve been so busy and enjoying every bit of it. Well this weekend was jammed packed.
Started out with another visit to the dentist (this is not looking good from someone who bakes…LOL) and cooling problems in my apartment. I don’t live in the newest apartments, but they are nice and the maintenance people are quick to fix anything I’ve ever had to call in. Well my AC has not been working properly and here in Texas, even though its about to be October its still hotter than Hades outside. I’ve now experienced the life of a rotisserie chicken.
On Sunday the BF and an old friend drive to Dallas for my photo shoot. It was sooooooooooo much fun. I got my hair and make-up done and took a million pictures. I never knew how hard it was to pose, but those darn lights could a melt a girl! Miss Missy was a pleasure and you can tell she loves what she does!
I should be getting the pictures back shortly and will eagerly share! Here are a few candids we took after the shoot (so disregard the sweaty tired look I have going on, it was a day that started at 7am and ended at midnight).
Also, I wanted to make a few announcements…(I feel like the church lady reading her Sunday Bulletin…LOL!! )
1. I hope everyone has checked out the fun contest that DollFace and Pink Sugar is hosting. I got some AWESOME prizes, and think its well worth entering for.
2. Even though I’ve just started my little business, I’ve gotten several emails from people asking Me advice and help on getting their business' going. Now, I could look at this like these people are spies and out to get me….but I think when it comes to being a small business networking is the key. I’ve started YET another blog called Baking Up A Business. I've been blessed to meet some Awesome people who have willingly shared their info, to help me become succesful, because NETWORKING is the key to success!!

Started out with another visit to the dentist (this is not looking good from someone who bakes…LOL) and cooling problems in my apartment. I don’t live in the newest apartments, but they are nice and the maintenance people are quick to fix anything I’ve ever had to call in. Well my AC has not been working properly and here in Texas, even though its about to be October its still hotter than Hades outside. I’ve now experienced the life of a rotisserie chicken.
On Sunday the BF and an old friend drive to Dallas for my photo shoot. It was sooooooooooo much fun. I got my hair and make-up done and took a million pictures. I never knew how hard it was to pose, but those darn lights could a melt a girl! Miss Missy was a pleasure and you can tell she loves what she does!
I should be getting the pictures back shortly and will eagerly share! Here are a few candids we took after the shoot (so disregard the sweaty tired look I have going on, it was a day that started at 7am and ended at midnight).
This Friday I've been inviteed to attend a Betty Paige Tribute Party, so that has me pretty excited!
Also, I wanted to make a few announcements…(I feel like the church lady reading her Sunday Bulletin…LOL!! )
1. I hope everyone has checked out the fun contest that DollFace and Pink Sugar is hosting. I got some AWESOME prizes, and think its well worth entering for.
2. Even though I’ve just started my little business, I’ve gotten several emails from people asking Me advice and help on getting their business' going. Now, I could look at this like these people are spies and out to get me….but I think when it comes to being a small business networking is the key. I’ve started YET another blog called Baking Up A Business. I've been blessed to meet some Awesome people who have willingly shared their info, to help me become succesful, because NETWORKING is the key to success!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009
Still Alive...
I am quite disappointed with postings all week...(slap on the hand) I promise to be much better this week!!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Weekend Recap...
So, what did I do over the weekend ….Well I did make the cakes for the bride, and lets just say it was a NIGHTMARE. The cakes had an hour drive (in 100 degree weather) and one had melted by the time we arrived. The other cake survived the drive, but some kid knocked over the cake topper and smashed the whole side of the cake.
We also went and saw Jennifer’s Body, which was interesting. Though Megan Fox is the Hotness she is not the best actress, but you will get a few laughs out of the movie. Plus I got to see the new trailer for NEW MOON (the BF actually had the nerve to talk while it was on and I had to shush him, you would think he would know better), the movie looks like its going to be super GOOD!
The BF and I ran out to get cake supplies to fix the cake and it was GONE…. yes GONE, and no one could tell me where it went. I was pretty upset about the whole situation, but what could I do. I mean mistakes happen and I put on my Big Girl Face to fix the situation, but someone moved the cake. I’ve taken this as a learning lesson for sure!
Sunday the BF and I went to the best store ever…
Sunday the BF and I went to the best store ever…

I love IKEA, and can spend hours just looking at all the Swedish Goodness! I am planning on turning my spare bedroom into an office, and went to IKEA to find some good stuff for the room. I also picked up some cute prizes for the contest DollFace Delights and Pink Sugar Desserts is hosting (Make sure to check out those blogs for info).
We also went and saw Jennifer’s Body, which was interesting. Though Megan Fox is the Hotness she is not the best actress, but you will get a few laughs out of the movie. Plus I got to see the new trailer for NEW MOON (the BF actually had the nerve to talk while it was on and I had to shush him, you would think he would know better), the movie looks like its going to be super GOOD!
Sunday night was full of our new show, “Sons of Anarchy”
Now I am all about the trashy reality TV and don't really get into the whole primetime thing (other than the Simpsons), but I was surprised that I actually enjoyed it (plus, it doesn't hurt that there is some yummy man meat to check out!)
This upcoming weekend were going to the Texas State Fair so I can gourge on all things fried, plus I am getting some professional photos done for DollFace, by this amazing photographer located in Dalls. Check out her myspace. My photos will have a baking theme too them, so they can be used on DollFace Marketing material.
PS. I’ve been dying to post a picture of my new tattoo, but it’s doing this weird peeling thing, so I am waiting until its picture perfect to share it with everyone.

Friday, September 18, 2009
Brownies PT II...
Last night I got into brownie mode and decided it was time to finally find a good brownie. I strayed away from a full chocolate brownie and thought I would tackle a Blondie first. After some mixing, pouring and tasting (okay licking the beaters) I came up with the perfect Blondie brownie…
The “Monroe” Brownie. Its light and flakey and full of milk chocolate chips, pecans and a swirl of caramel.
I decided to make this the first item for sale at the DollFace Store (Sorry for all the shameless promotion, but a girls gotta get her hustle on!).
I decided to make this the first item for sale at the DollFace Store (Sorry for all the shameless promotion, but a girls gotta get her hustle on!).
Also, I went to hobby lobby and spent my fortune (HA HA..fortune...more like two nickles and a bottle cap) on cake supplies. Why can’t I have a cheap addiction, instead of one that insists on wiping out my bank account. I got some cute cake stands, which has lead me on another mission of finding even more. Does anyone have any get places I can check to find cute cake stands?
How cute are these!!
Also, update on the “Friends” wedding. I have not heard from here all week. I mean not a text, tweet or phone call…Zip…Zilch…Nada. I think this is the strangest behavior ever, especially for the Bride. I’ve made my peace with the situation and I am not going to think about anymore.
Everyone have a great weekend!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Weekend Recap...
Last weekend, started out kind of suckey. I went to the dentist on Friday for a simple procedure and found out I have to get a Root Cannel (YAY ME!!!) Well I was pretty numb when I left the dental office on Friday, and got to walk around looking like the Joker (circa…Jack Nicholson) drooling like crazy.
The numbing medicine finally wore off at dinner, and I thought I was going to D-I-E. I have never been in so much pain in my life (which leads me to believe natural childbirth will never be an option for me). It was the worse night ever and I have not been able to eat properly since (Boo to no yummy goodies….Yay to losing 5Ilbs in 3 days)
Also, Exciting news is up and running. I still have to make a few changes, but check it out and give me your feedback!!!
Saturday the BF and I decided to endure some more pain and get tattoos. The BF got this amazing nautical theme with an octopus and anchor...its insane!!
I got the cutest cupcake ever with a banner expressing my new motto...BAKE OR DIE!!. ( *Will post Pics later*)
I also got my tattoo guy, Chris Resse to agree to create a design for our first tee shirts for the I Bleed Pink Line, so I am super excited about this! I can’t not wait to see what he comes up with, I know it will be awesome.
Sunday we went to the Austin Bridal Expo, it was a good time. We ate a lot of cake (well I actually gummed it up)…and being the snob I am I was not too impressed by what I sampled. I was surprised at the amount of people who use box cakes. I mean if I am going to pay thousands of dollars for a cake, make it from scratch.
There was this one old school baker from the company Simon Lee (reminded me of Cakeboss) and his cakes were AMAZING and they tasted great. I would love to learn from this guy, because the work was out of this world.
This week is going to be quite stressful as I am doing this "FREE" wedding cake for well...a "Friend"(AKA..Bridezilla). As a word of advice, never mix business with friends. The only good thing is I can use the pictures for business once I am done.
Before I go....Make sure to show some love to one of my favorite bloggie friends Miss Rhiannon. I was shocked to learn she was thinking about quitting her Amazing blog...and I just wanted to make sure you knew she was Loved!!
The numbing medicine finally wore off at dinner, and I thought I was going to D-I-E. I have never been in so much pain in my life (which leads me to believe natural childbirth will never be an option for me). It was the worse night ever and I have not been able to eat properly since (Boo to no yummy goodies….Yay to losing 5Ilbs in 3 days)
Also, Exciting news is up and running. I still have to make a few changes, but check it out and give me your feedback!!!
Saturday the BF and I decided to endure some more pain and get tattoos. The BF got this amazing nautical theme with an octopus and anchor...its insane!!
I got the cutest cupcake ever with a banner expressing my new motto...BAKE OR DIE!!. ( *Will post Pics later*)
I also got my tattoo guy, Chris Resse to agree to create a design for our first tee shirts for the I Bleed Pink Line, so I am super excited about this! I can’t not wait to see what he comes up with, I know it will be awesome.
Sunday we went to the Austin Bridal Expo, it was a good time. We ate a lot of cake (well I actually gummed it up)…and being the snob I am I was not too impressed by what I sampled. I was surprised at the amount of people who use box cakes. I mean if I am going to pay thousands of dollars for a cake, make it from scratch.
There was this one old school baker from the company Simon Lee (reminded me of Cakeboss) and his cakes were AMAZING and they tasted great. I would love to learn from this guy, because the work was out of this world.
This week is going to be quite stressful as I am doing this "FREE" wedding cake for well...a "Friend"(AKA..Bridezilla). As a word of advice, never mix business with friends. The only good thing is I can use the pictures for business once I am done.
Before I go....Make sure to show some love to one of my favorite bloggie friends Miss Rhiannon. I was shocked to learn she was thinking about quitting her Amazing blog...and I just wanted to make sure you knew she was Loved!!
PS. .. R.I.P Mr. Swayze
Thursday, September 10, 2009
It’s kind of a joke with people who know me; just how picky I am when it comes to food. Granted, I love to eat I am just terribly picky when it comes to what I want to eat. The BF hates going out to eat with me because I will tear up a meal from off the menu and create my own (but I figure if they have the ingredients why is it a big to make me what I want…plus I am never rude when asking for these requests, as I don’t want t a side of spit in my food).
I am especially snobbish when it comes to baked goods!! So, the Lovely Liz (you should check out her blog, it cracks me up every time I read it!!) asked me about a local brownie company here in Austin called Mary Louise Butters Brownies. Well I was close to the local grocery store for lunch today and decided to try one. Being the snob that I am, I thought I would go the safe route and do a traditional brownie with walnuts in it. A co-worker saw me about it eat it and said their Beer Brownies are amazing. Now for a regular person a comment like that would get you excited to eat that brownie, for me I don’t trust other peoples opinions, just because of my pickiness.
I am especially snobbish when it comes to baked goods!! So, the Lovely Liz (you should check out her blog, it cracks me up every time I read it!!) asked me about a local brownie company here in Austin called Mary Louise Butters Brownies. Well I was close to the local grocery store for lunch today and decided to try one. Being the snob that I am, I thought I would go the safe route and do a traditional brownie with walnuts in it. A co-worker saw me about it eat it and said their Beer Brownies are amazing. Now for a regular person a comment like that would get you excited to eat that brownie, for me I don’t trust other peoples opinions, just because of my pickiness.
The whole marketing feel of this company made me want to love them so bad. I mean the vintage labels, the huge list of brownie flavors (Rose) and the look of the brownie. Well I did a picture show of how my brownie experience went down….they shall speak for themselves of how I felt after eating the brownie!
I guess I will have to seek out my own perfect brownie recipe!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Weekend Recap....
I was excited about the long 3-day weekend, but ended up spending much of doing stuff for DollFace (check it out here).
I did get to sneak in a movie, which after seeing it I am almost too embarrassed to tell you. The BF and I went to see “Gamer"…it was pretty bad, I mean even the action was not all that great. It was one of those movies where you think, "I know what you were thinking, but you just didn't capture it".
We also ate at this place called Chedd’s, that does gourmet grilled cheese sandwhiches. It was pretty good, but how hard is it to mess up a grilled cheese sandwich?
I also decided that I needed to re-organize all my cake crap and pulled out all this stuff, and then my ADD kicked in and lets just say my apartment still looks like a bakery threw up all over it. I tend to do that, start a project then get distracted by something shiny and move on.
Oh ya, I am also trying out a new look….thoughts?
I did get to sneak in a movie, which after seeing it I am almost too embarrassed to tell you. The BF and I went to see “Gamer"…it was pretty bad, I mean even the action was not all that great. It was one of those movies where you think, "I know what you were thinking, but you just didn't capture it".
We also ate at this place called Chedd’s, that does gourmet grilled cheese sandwhiches. It was pretty good, but how hard is it to mess up a grilled cheese sandwich?
I also decided that I needed to re-organize all my cake crap and pulled out all this stuff, and then my ADD kicked in and lets just say my apartment still looks like a bakery threw up all over it. I tend to do that, start a project then get distracted by something shiny and move on.
Oh ya, I am also trying out a new look….thoughts?
Thursday, September 3, 2009
So, it's midnight and I should be sleeping since I have to work, but I got the best gift today. A few weeks back I picked up a copy of Cooks Country and Cooks Illustrated and I was hooked. After reading them both from cover to cover, I was a junkie who needed another fix. I ventured to good ole Ebay and found back copies of each magazine. Today was better than Christmas, I received a box chock full of Cook’s Country, 40 to be exact.
I fear that I won’t be able to leave my house until I can read them from cover to cover; I mean who needs fresh air and sunshine, so overrated!!
I also got the cutest cupcake container at Ross the other day. It was only $7.99 and has over 150 cupcake recipes inside; I am stoked to try one out.
As a side note, why does Ross gives me a headache every time I go in there. It’s like a zoo in there with wild children running around and crap thrown all over the place. I really have to pre-prepare myself when I get the moxie to go into that store. It’s almost like a thrift store, but I think Goodwill is more organized…LOL!!
I am so glad tomorrow is Friday and is a 3 day weekend. I am getting my hair done (why did someone in my office ask me the other day if I was wearing a…I mean who does something like that, even if I was wearing a wig, that’s not your place to ask….DUMBASS) baking and going to IKEA (best store EVER!!).
I also am craving Bacon...weird!
I fear that I won’t be able to leave my house until I can read them from cover to cover; I mean who needs fresh air and sunshine, so overrated!!
I also got the cutest cupcake container at Ross the other day. It was only $7.99 and has over 150 cupcake recipes inside; I am stoked to try one out.
( A little peeved about the dent it got from the car to the house)
I am so glad tomorrow is Friday and is a 3 day weekend. I am getting my hair done (why did someone in my office ask me the other day if I was wearing a…I mean who does something like that, even if I was wearing a wig, that’s not your place to ask….DUMBASS) baking and going to IKEA (best store EVER!!).
I also am craving Bacon...weird!

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